Well, Emily has recently hit 2 big milestones... crawling (forwards!) - she was crawling backwards for a while there but now is going forwards and is very, very fast!! And has also learnt to stand up pulling herself up using the playpen, the feet seats, the TV table... me... basically anything she can!!
It is so sweet to see her doing these incredible activities when, only a short time ago, she was a little pink blob brought home from the hospital. My how time flies, especially when you are having fun :)
We have also recently bought a playpen (!) to keep her safe, especially when I am working at home. So far she is enjoying it and will often read her books and shake her rattles quietly to herself.. such a sweet little girl.
We are just really enjoying this new phase - every phase is my favourite actually! She is very active, reactive, interactive - it's amazing, and really starting to copy us, all our sounds and noises!
I think she is getting more teeth.. she has just woken for a cuddle and some Pamol (pretty unusual for her) and that's the 3rd night since Friday night she has done so. Molars? Eye teeth? Eeek! Here's to another restful night's sleep, night everyone!