Friday, 11 September 2015

Breaking up is hard to do....

As an adult, in a settled marriage, career and life in general, the thought doesn't exactly cross your mind that you're going to have to do any sort of 'breaking up' with anyone.  However, that has not proved true recently.

Over the past couple of months, my amazing little working at home scheme (Tuesdays and Thursdays) has become more and more difficult, as nearly 19 month old Emily turns her puppy dog eyes on me and wants story-time, meal time and play times with me - making me feel so torn between the flurry of emails, documents and phone calls that I have to handle on a daily basis, during office hours.  So after a lot of soul searching and consideration, we have decided that she will attend a lovely local daycare, 5 days a week which will allow me to be in the office full time, and she can have fun learning and exploring and meeting other children.

So we had to say goodbye to Danielle, who has looked after Emily since just after her 1st birthday.  And what a bond they developed together!  Danielle's little baby, Harper has also become a firm friend of Emily's, with 'Harper' being a very favourite word for quite some time now!  Danielle has gone way above and way beyond for us - doing things like loaning Emily extra clothes/shoes/bedding if she needed it, patting her to sleep, rocking her to sleep, cuddling her when she was upset, putting her first hair clip in her hair, making her play dough, and generally loving her like another little daughter. 

And I am absolutely certain that she did even more than that, but never said so.  She is a truly amazing woman, and we have loved having Emily with her. 

We'd get countless photos, videos and online stories about what Emily has done in her little day.  The 'daily book' was amazing - a loving little comment about the day in general - what Emily had loved and done and learnt.  So special.

We can't believe she was so little when she started there!!  Here are a few of Danielle's lovely photos of Emily. Thank you Danielle xXx

Very first day, just 1 year old


Flower - one of Emily's favourite words!

Picnic in the park
Making my Mother's Day painting

Fist time with a clip in her hair!
Playdough fun!

First outing to the local village
In the double pram with little Harper