Saturday, 3 October 2015

The evil hairdresser!!

We took Emily to get her fringe trimmed recently, and boy was that fairly nightmarish, for all involved!  It was her first haircut and when I was in the hairdresser's recently, I saw a young girl, about 2 years old, having her hair trimmed so calmly, on her mum's lap and I thought oh how sweet, that will be me and Emily :)   

How wrong I was!!  She screamed, kicked, cried and generally had a major meltdown!  I pitied those who were there for a bit of relaxing 'me time' as it certainly wasn't, when we were in there too!  

Playdough fun!

Lovely fringe trim and even wearing a hairband!  Very rare!
Luckily Chris was with us as he had to hold Emily, standing, as she did not like sitting on my lap in the chair, and I had to forcibly hold her face so she didn't move while the hairdresser trimmed her fringe (it only took 35seconds!).  Oh my goodness, it was traumatising all round!  But a good result in the end and she got over the ordeal pretty quickly - phew!!

Survived the First Week!!

We survived the First Week - well two weeks actually, but I was a bit slow in posting this at the end of last week!!  First Week of daycare full time; and me being back in the office full time and Daddy / Daughter time in the mornings :) Another new routine... it's amazing that when you get used to something, you often have to change it!

Busy girl!  Pottering, her favourite activity :) 

Seeing Mummy at the end of the day! 
Always busy!

It has all gone very smoothly, except for Thursday night last week (and funnily enough, Thursday this week!) when Miss Emily unfortunately lost the plot and was just too tired for anything - no dinner, milk or bath!  That is totally unheard of in our house!  I was at a total loss after putting her into her cot so early - plus we have just changed the clocks due to daylight savings so it was like putting her in bed in full sunshine!  An unneeded mummy, eek!  We think she is also getting some more teeth as there have been a few night wake ups, so that may have contributed to Thursday night!  It's no fun wrestling with a tired toddler I have to say, and man is she strong!!  She has begun clawing and pinching... not a great phase!

Luckily, I finally got some lovely quality time last Friday night and we had our usual calm, peaceful evening of dinner, bath, milk and bedtime story before she happily drifted into the land of twinkle and nod, for 12hours straight.. can't complain!

This week has been a bit mixed - she is sooo happy and doing so well at daycare; sleeping on her little stretcher for as long as she can muster in that different environment, at lunchtime, but we have still had night wake ups... it's very hard with all that is going on to be chipper all the time that is for sure, but hopefully she settles down soon.

We were also advised that a thing called molluscum, a series of bites/spots which children can get and they can turn nasty too (little pimple type things) was going around the centre.. not such a great thing to hear when you pick up your poppet at the end of a busy day that is for sure!  And we were advised that if Emily had any spots, to take her to the doctor to get her checked out.  Once she was checked, she could return to the centre, which was a huge relief with me just having gone back into the office 5 days a week - I definitely couldn't be at home again with her and try and work eek!  Fortunately, it wasn't molluscum so all was well there. 

Friday however brought its own challenges.. I received a phone call to say Emily had had an allergic reaction to something!!  And that I had to fetch her and take her to the doctor as she had developed a very fast rash on her arms and feet.  Oh my gosh, that was pretty scary!!I think I pretty much broke the speed limit to get to her but she was actually fine ! The rash had dissipated and she was pretty relaxed.  Fortunately the doctor confirmed that it wasn't anything serious.. my relief was quite palpable!  And so, we had yet another night's broken sleep and a very trying day yesterday, but whatever 'it' was, seems to have gone away (thank goodness!) as our little EB (Epic Baby) revealed herself again today and all was well... 

Oh and she slept for 13 hours last night!  Here's to another night's good sleep tonight!