Sunday 29 June 2014

Rainy Days

Well, it's pouring down today so unfortunately that meant no lovely morning walk for Emily with Daddy in tow!  And probably no lovely late afternoon walk with Mummy in tow either!  Eeek!!

But she managed a decent morning sleep in any case.  We went out for lunch with some new mummy and baby friends and it was sort of at the time of Em's second sleep, but unfortunately she didn't want to sleep, she wanted to join in!  So she was a very tired baby by the time we got home.  She managed another sleep but it wasn't as long as I thought she would sleep for!  Us mummies, always thinking our babies will do one thing, and they surprise us and do another thing!  Keeping us on our toes that is for sure.

As I mentioned in a previous post, I am trying to get Emily into this routine (a little further down the page the link goes to), which seems sensible.  So far we are going ok and she is managing well at staying awake which is great.  It's just the sleeps we need to work on a little to extend them each, then everything else will fall into place.  Magically.  I hope.  And she will retain the title of Epic Baby!  But she's already Epic in our books, no matter what she does!

So it's a quiet week at home for us, to work on our little routine project.  Oh how wonderful that sounds, and nothing at all like the weeks of my previous life used to sound!  Time for tea while The Epic One sleeps :)

First time in my sleeping bag.. cosy!


  1. She looks so cute all bundled up, hope the routine is going well!

    1. Thanks Meg, she is :) And so far mostly so good yay! I think she is a little more tired, so is sleeping a little longer during the day, yippee! x
