Tuesday 1 July 2014

Gettin' Crafty on the Cheap

I decided to recover our beloved feet seats since we have a make do and mend (where possible!) approach to life right now as I'm on maternity leave - and to be honest they are perfectly fine except for the actual seat parts as they are so well used so we didn't really  need to buy new ones.  

$15 later, and all fabric and batting from my trusty friends at Spotlight, and a borrowed staple gun from my in laws, and voila!  I am rather pleased with my efforts and the seats live to see another day (or pair of feet!).

It felt good to do something creative, now I must get onto my scrapbooking especially as it's on my maternity leave to do list and Emily is growing so fast - we have heaps of photos to put into an album :)

After - awesome :)

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