Wednesday 18 June 2014

The long and the short of it!

The long and the short if it is that I have taken the plunge and cut my hair short!!  In an attempt to be ready in the mornings in less than 5 minutes - showering included (...... nah, that is truly wishful thinking) - but maybe less than 30minutes, I have cut my hair short again!  

After yay!
I first cut my hair short (it had different variations on 'short') when I was 17.  Gosh that is a long time ago :)  But I thought rather than take ages blow drying my long lanky dull hair in the morning, and then only tying it up, why not go for something short and easy (hopefully) and that way I won't hog the bathroom and miss spending time with my little angel.  

So far so good, it took me only 20minutes this morning to shower, throw on some make-up (such as it is!) and shoosh my hair.  That is always the greatest risk/challenge when getting a new 'do, can you do it like the salon does it, at home?  It's a question that actually keeps me awake at nights.  And gives me cold sweats.  Cos I love playing around with my hair!  Not that it ever looks that spectacular and gosh do I have almost all the tools of the trade, and now, almost all the products of the trade, but I do enjoy having a little fun now and then.  I think now, it will be more 'then' than now as having a baby dranmatically reduces any time you can take doing this sort of thing!  Hence the short hair so when I am (sadly) back at work, I can get ready quickly in the mornings and shoot out the door, angel on hip!

Here's to easy to do hair and quick morning routines!